1.Hilarious | EX: You are hilarious. 你是個很有趣的人。 |
2.Brilliant | EX He is so brilliant.他非常有才華。 |
3.Enigmatic | EX: I love the way you carry yourself, so enigmatic 我愛你平時表現出的樣子,非常神秘。 |
4.Heart-stopping | EX: This is a Heart-Stopping Moment. 這真是一個驚心動魄的時刻。 |
5.Breathtaking | EX: The view is absolutely breathtaking.這裡風景真的是美呆了。 |
6.Riveting | EX: Her look is so riveting。她的美貌十分吸引人。 |
7.Fascinating | EX: This idea is fascinating. 這主意真是好極了。 |
8.Gorgeous | EX: You look gorgeous tonight. 你今晚看起來美呆了。 |
9.Dazzling | EX: A dazzling display of game. 多麼引人入勝的一場比賽。 。 |
10.Exhilarating | EX: We just got some exhilarating news. 我們剛得到一些振奮人心的消息。 |
11.Magnificent | EX: What a magnificent palace it is ! 多麼宏偉的一座宮殿阿! |
12.Spectacular | EX: This fjord is so spectacular as he described. 這峽灣就如他所說的一樣壯麗。 |
13.Charming | EX: Hannah showed a charming smile when she came into the class room. 當漢娜進入教室時,露出了迷人的微笑 |
14.Ravishing | EX: You look ravishing in that gown . 你穿著那件禮服看起來真美。 |
15.Appealing | EX: She is confident, that’s why she’s so appealing.她有自信,所以她才這麼有魅力。 |
16.Classy | EX: Lindsey is quite classy and smart. Lindsey 很漂亮又很聰明。 |
17.Elegant | EX: This 300 elegantly furnished rooms have private bath. 這三百間裝飾講究的房間都設有獨立浴室。 |
18.Groovy | EX: The party was really groovy.派對真是超酷的。 |
19.Astonishing | EX: At that moment , his performance was very astonishing to us. 在那個當下,他的表現讓我們很吃驚。 |
20.Remarkable | EX: He is a remarkable politician. 他是一位傑出的政治家。 |
21.glorious |
EX: England is glorious in her poetry. 英國在詩作上有著不凡的表現。
22.Tremendous |
EX: We had a tremendous time on the beach.我們在海灘上玩得很痛快。
_______________________________________________________ 圖片來自網路 如有不妥請告知 根據研究學好語言至少要300小時! 而你一週花多久呢?