
【生活英文】離開該用Call off? 還是go off? 有關off結尾片語大搜查!




1. Call off (取消、離開)

EX: We called off the trip when two of people who were supposed to go became sick.



2. Get off (下車、離座)

EX: After we got off the plane, we picked up our baggage.



3. Go off (爆炸、發出聲響)

EX: The bomb went off and did a lot of damage.



4. Set off (使某事發生、施放煙火)

EX: The heat set off a chemical reaction.




5. Pay off (付清、得到回報)

EX: He paid his college debt off six years after he graduated.




6. Put off (延期、延遲、讓某人覺得被冒犯)

EX: If you keep putting your homework off, you won’t get it done.




7. See off (送行)

EX: They came to the airport to see us off.



8. Show off (炫耀、讓某事被看見)

EX: Bill drove around all afternoon showing his new car off.



9. Start off (開始、出發)

EX: The company started off with only two employees.




10. Take off (起飛、脫下)

EX: When do we take off?

   (我們何時起飛 ?)


11. Turn off (關掉)

EX: All the lights turn off automatically.




12. Blow off (吹走、生氣)

EX: The leaves of the trees blew off in the strong wind.


   I blew off at her.



13. Cut off (切斷、切下)

EX: I cut off the tree branch.



14. Die off (滅絕、接連死去)

EX: She was ninety-two and said all her friends had died off.



15. Knock off (停止做某事、打掉)

EX: I wish he would knock off practicing for a while.


   She knocked off the vase by accident.






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