


一個好的老闆知道何時該為員工加薪,然而,好老闆可是可遇不可求,你期望加薪卻又不知如何開口嗎? 你該做些甚麼來讓老闆答應你的請求呢? 快來用英文學學這些說話技巧吧!


一、Gather evidence 收集事證

Collect two types of *evidence before making your *request. First, and most important, are facts about your own *unique *contributions that *bolster your case: money-saving efficiencies you *implemented, results from a project you’ve just *overseen, positive customer *testimonials, or praise from higher ups.


*evidence 形跡、跡象、事證

*request 請求、懇求

*unique 唯一的、獨特的

*contributions 貢獻

*bolster 援助、增強

-They bolstered their morale by singing. 他們用唱歌來鼓舞士氣。

*implement 執行、履行

*oversee 監視、檢查

*testimonial .獎狀、表揚信

二、Choose the right moment 選擇適當的時機

McGinn advises *asking for a raise just before you *take on new *responsibilities or right after you successfully complete a project. “If you’ve just created *a whole bunch of value for your company, it’s a great time to say, ‘Can we share that *value?’,” she explains.


*asking for 要求、請求

*take on 承擔、負擔

*responsibilities 責任、職責;原型為responsibility

*a whole bunch of 一大堆,bunch為束的意思,一大樹可以衍生為一大堆的意思

*value 價值,這裡意指收穫或營利結果

三、Practice ahead of time 事前練習

Do it out loud, practice it with someone else, record yourself, and play it back. Listen for *weaknesses in your *argument or signs that you aren’t getting to the point quickly enough. Make sure to consider the conversation from your boss’s *point of view, imagine the *varied reactions she might have, and plan your responses.


*weaknesses 弱點、虛弱

*argument 爭論、辯論

*point of view 觀點;等於perspective

*varied 各種各樣的


四、Be confident 有自信一點

You’ve got to be calm, and *conversational, and to *establish an air of *collaboration. Don’t make statements *in the form of questions (“Would you agree I’m *due for a raise?”) or *qualify them (“I believe that my work has been very good…”). Instead, be *direct and confident. Positive *body language will also *impart an air of confidence.


*conversational 健談的、善應酬的

*establish an air of 建立…的氣氛

*collaboration 合作

*in the form of 在…的形式

*due 應有的、應做的

*qualify 使…具有資格

*direct 直接了當的

*body language 肢體語言

*impart 給予,把…分給


五、Avoid complaints and ultimatums 避免抱怨和下最後通牒

Avoid *comparing yourself to colleagues or *complaining that you make less; stay positive and focus instead on how much you *contribute. You should also avoid implicitly or explicitly threatening to leave as a *negotiating tactic.


*comparing oneself to 和某人做比較

*complaining 抱怨

*contribute 貢獻

*implicitly 含蓄的、不講明的


*negotiating 談判、協商

六、Look forward, not backward 向前看,別拘泥過去

*Lay out your contributions, then quickly *pivot to what you hope to *tackle next. Assure your boss that you understand his pressures and goals, and pitch your raise as a way to help him.


*Lay out 列出,編排

*pivot .把…放在樞軸上;引申為把…當作重點

*tackle 處理


資料及圖片來源 :123456



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