
【線上英文學習】這些字你拼對了嗎? 15個常見的錯別字。


        錯別字,總是害你在寫作部分拿不到高分嗎? 別擔心,QQ English 幫你整理了常見錯別字的正確拚法及用法,快來一起動動腦,釐清錯誤的觀念,讓英文更上一層樓喔!

1.accommodate (v.) 容納、提供..膳宿 EX: The hotel can accommodate 500 tourists. 這家旅館可住五百名觀光客。 (v.) 使適應;使相符(+to) EX: You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation. 你必須適應變化的形勢。

2. argument (n.) 爭執,爭吵;辯論 EX: We had an argument about politics. 我們就政治展開了爭論。 (n.) 理由,論據;論點 EX: I accepted his argument that taxation should be increased. 我接受了他提出的應該增稅的論點。

3. acknowledgment (n.) 承認;(對權威、功績等的)確認 EX: I bowed my head in acknowledgement of guilt. 我低下頭來承認過失。 (n.) 答謝的表示,致謝;謝禮 EX: We are sending you a small sum of money in acknowledgement of your help. 為感謝你的幫助我們寄上一小筆錢。

4. commitment (n.) 承諾,保證;承擔的義務(+to) EX: I felt I did not have to make such a commitment to them. 我覺得我沒有必要對他們作出那樣的承諾。 (n.) 犯罪,罪行 EX: commitment of infanticide 殺嬰罪

5.deductible  (adj.) 可扣除的;可減免的 EX: deductible expenses 可減免的費用

 6.embarrass (v.)使窘;使不好意思,使侷促不安 EX: Arthur seemed embarrassed by the question. 亞瑟似乎被這個問題弄得有些窘迫。 (v.) 使負債;使拮据 EX: A large family embarrassed him. 他子女多,這使他經濟拮据。

7. forward (adv.) 向前 EX: He hurried forward to meet her. 他趕緊走上前去迎接她。 (adj.) 前面的 EX: We can see the forward part of the ship. 我們可以看見船的前部。

8. harass  (v.) 使煩惱,煩擾 EX: I felt harassed by all the work at the office. 辦公室的一切工作都令我煩惱不已。 (v.) 不斷騷擾 EX: Our soldiers harassed the enemy. 我們的士兵不斷騷擾敵人。

9.judgement (n.) 審判;裁判;判決 EX: sit in judgement on a case 開庭審案 (n.) 判斷;鑑定;評價 EX: I acted on my own judgement. 我按自己的判斷行事。

10. occasion (n.) 時機,機會(+for) EX: He seized the occasion to invite her home for dinner. 他抓住機會邀請她回家裡吃飯。 (n.) 理由;需要 EX: You have no occasion to buy another car. 你沒有必要再買一輛汽車。

11. occurrence (n.) 發生;出現 EX: the occurrence of flu 發生流感 (n.) 事件;事變 EX: An eclipse is an unusual occurrence. 蝕是不常見的事情。  

12. perseverance (n.) 堅持不懈;堅忍不拔 EX: By perseverance the crippled boy learned how to swim. 那個跛足的男孩經過不屈不撓的努力學會了游泳。

13. prerogative (n.) 特權 EX: Unfortunately new ideas are not the prerogative of those who spent a long time doing research. 不巧的是,新觀念並非為長時間從事研究工作的人所壟斷。

14. privilege (n.) 特權;優特 EX: He enjoys diplomatic privileges. 他享有外交特權。 (n.)(個人的)恩典,殊榮[S] EX: It is a great privilege to know you. 認識你真是莫大的榮幸。 (n.) (議會內部享有的言論自由等)議會特權[C] (n.)(憲法保證公民享有的)基本權利

15. separate (n.) 分隔;分割;使分離;使分散(+from/into/off/up) EX: The two communities are separated by a highway. 這兩個社區由一條公路隔開。 (n.)區分,識別(+from) EX: Brought up in town, the boy finds it difficult to separate a poplar from a willow. 那男孩是在城裡長大的,所以覺得很難區別楊樹和柳樹。  


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