每個人應該都有這些經驗:熬夜把書讀完,隔天再買杯咖啡提神就好;工作做不完,開夜車一次完成,事後再補眠應該沒關係吧…但研究指出,「睡眠債」可是比你想像中的還可怕,快來看看這次的影片,下次別再以為熬夜沒什麼了! 【想不受地點限制就來試試QQ線上英文吧~】 1.Tired? We all know the feeling. Irritable, groggy, and exceptionally lazy. Chances are, you didn’t sleep enough last night. Or the past few nights. Irritable:易怒的 groggy:昏昏沈沈的 exceptionally:特別地 Chances are:同於It’s likely that…,表示某事可能發生 2.But what exactly is enough sleep? And, more importantly, can you ever catch up on it? catch up on:補償(睡眠) 3.While the very fuction of sleep is still debated by scientists, we do know that it’s necessary to function efficiently and productively. After all, we spend 24 years of our lifetime sleeping. It had better be important. the very:強調語氣 debate:辯論;討論
- to debate the pros and cons of a situation 討論某情況的利與弊
4.Researchers have tested how much is required each night by assigning groups of people to four, six, and eight hours of sleep over extended periods of time. require:需要 assign:分配 extended:延長的 period:一段時間 5.After 14 days, those with eight hours of sleep exhibited few attention lapses or cognitive issues. However, those with six or four hours of sleep showed a steady decline. exhibit:展現 lapse:小錯誤
- a lapse of memory 記錯
- a lapse in concentration 走神
- cognitive theory/science 認知理論/科學
issue:問題 6.In fact, after only two weeks, the six hour group showed a similar reaction time to a person with the blood alcohol concentration of 0.1%, which is considered legally drunk. 事實上,只相隔兩週,睡6小時的組別表現出個人類似反應——血中酒精濃度約 0.1%,被認定為所謂的「醉了」 alcohol:酒精 concentration:濃度 7.The four hour sleepers suffered even more, occasionally falling asleep during their cognitive test. suffer:情況變差 occasionally:.偶爾
- mental/physical/visual impairment 智力低下/身體損傷/視力損傷
- impairment of hearing 聽力損傷
所以一天我們到底該睡多久?影片中給了我們答案: Most studies tend to show that 7-8 hours of sleep is the average ideal for humans. Apart from the cognitive issues, individuals who consistently sleep less than seven hours a night have an increased risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. Not to mention, a 12% higher risk of death. cognitive issues:認知問題 obesity:肥胖 diabetes:糖尿病 但從反面來看,睡的太多也不是一件好事… On the flip side, studies have shown that while sleeping more than eight hours does not impair brain function, it also carries an increased risk of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, and a 30% increased risk of mortality. So too much sleep may also be a bad thing. On the flip side:反面