1. 用大腦想想好嗎? use your noodle
大腦相信大家一定會想到用”brain”, 但是既然是俚語,那就不會這麼普通啦! 當外國人跟你說請你use your noodle的時候,並不是要你「用你的麵喔!」這樣也太搞笑了吧! 英文的口語當中,noodle有「大腦」的意思喔! 所以叫你用大腦的時候,不就是要你使用腦子想想嗎? 所以這樣解釋後應該就比較好理解了吧! 這裡要稍微注意一下,noodle這裡是不用加S的喔!
- You can do better in English if you’ll just use your head.
- Tom: Shelly uses her noggin and gets things done correctly.
Jacky: Yes, she sure knows how to use her noodle.
湯姆: 雪莉用用大腦就能把事情做好了!
傑克: 當然,她知道如何運用她的腦袋!
說明: 以上的 “use your head” 以及 “use her noggin” 也是表達「用大腦想想」的意思喔!
2. 我們隨機應變吧! play it by ear.
隨機應變的意思就是在毫無準備或者是計畫的情況下,來臨場反應當下要怎麼做! 所以在英文當中會使用”play it by ear”來表示這種「隨機應變」的意思喔!
Amy: I don’t think I have enough time for our speech tomorrow!
Ken: So I guess we’ll have to play it by ear.
愛米: 我想我沒有時間準備明天的演講!
肯: 所以我猜我們只能隨機應變吧!
3. 我就有話直說囉! made no bones about
當你有話直說的時候,大部分都是指你毫不猶豫地說出你的想法或感覺,根本不會考慮說出去的話會不會傷人或者是給別人難勘的後果! 在英文會用”make no bones about sth.”來表示有話直說喔!
One of your team member made no bones about his dislike of working overtime every day, so I think maybe you can help him out if you can
My boss made no bones about his dissatisfaction with my work performance.
4. 這看起來真棒! a million dollars
這句話簡單來說可以用”It looks great!”,不過這應該是小學程度的用法啦! 我們來看看今天的俚語用法叫做是”look/feel(like) a million dollars”,這句話不是在說某人看起來好像很有錢的樣子喔! 其實是在讚美喔!
Bill: Wow! You look a million dollars! What’s the occasion?
David: Thank you. I’m going to my sister’s wedding.
比爾: 哇! 你看起來真帥! 今天是甚麼日子嗎?
大衛: 謝謝你! 我今天要去參加我妹妹的婚禮!
5.稍等一下! Hold your horses!
這句話同樣的在國中就教過啦! 小編想大家應該會直接用 “Please wait a minute!” 吧! 其實俚語用法的時候可以用 “hold your horses”, hold可以解釋成拉住的意思喔! 所以當你聽到這個用法的時候,千萬不要以為對方是要你拉住你的馬喔! 其實是要你先等一下的慣用語啦!
- Hold your horses! I don’t see your invitation, sir!
先生請等一下! 我沒有看到你的邀請卡!
- Hold your horses! Are you sure she’s the one that stole your cell phone?
請等一下! 你確定她就是偷你手機的那個人嗎?
- Although my mom has been sick for a few days, I’m glad she finally______ _____ ____ ______ _____today.
- They _______ ________ ________ _______ their dislike for each other.
- ________ _________ _______! I can’t come yet, I haven’t finished my homework.
- _________ ________ _______ to figure out the math problem. I believe you can do it.
- Don’t worry! Let’s ______ _______ ________ ______.
- Although my mom has been sick for a few days, I’m glad she finally feels like a million dollars today. 雖然我媽媽已經病了好幾天,我很開心她今天終於覺得精神棒極了。
- They make no bones about their dislike for each other. 他們直截了當的告訴彼此他們都不喜歡彼此!
- Hold your horses! I can’t come yet, I haven’t finished my homework. 等一等! 我還不能來, 我的功課還沒有做好!
- Use your noodle to figure out the math problem. I believe you can do it. 動動腦子把這道數學題做出來,我相信你能做到的!
- Don’t worry! Let’s play it by ear. 不用擔心!讓我們隨興所至吧!