All cats are grey in the dark.. 人未出名時看起來都差不多。
說到動物俚語,大家第一個想到的不知道是不是rain cats and dogs ?不過還有很多其他好玩的動物俚語今天要介紹給大家認識喔! 五個意想不到的動物俚語在多益聽力用法開課囉!
- eat crow
這句話如果你猜是吃烏鴉,那應該會滿恐怖的吧! 而且應該沒有人會吃烏鴉,因為烏鴉的肉並不好吃啊! 千萬不要問小編是不是有吃過? 不要問,很恐怖! 因此當有人逼你要你吃烏鴉的話,是不是也太噁心、太讓人難以接受了啊!因此說某人eat crow其實是說一個人「你很難受、很丟臉,因為你被迫去承認犯下的過錯」的意思啦!
- Well, it looks like I was wrong, and I’m going to have to eat crow.
- John will eat crow today. He said he can get 100 in English, but he only got 60.
- When it became clear that they had arrested the wrong man, the police had to eat crow.
- fish out of water
如果說fish out of water的話,我相信一般大家都會覺得是離開水的魚,大概必死無疑吧! 這裡沒有那麼慘烈啦! 如果一個人說自己是a fish out of water的話,意思是說「周遭的環境無法讓他覺得自由自在,覺得彆扭,感覺自己格格不入」的感覺!就跟我們常常用「如魚得水」來形容一個一切都很順利的樣子,而這句話卻恰好和「如魚得水」相反囉!
- With these rich people, I’d feel like a fish out of water.
- “I always felt like a fish out of water in Taipei,” he says.
- Everybody was in the swimming pool. But I was a fish out of water because I can’t swim.
補充: 另外一個跟魚有關的諺語是to teach a fish how to swim,大家不妨想想看要是誰想教魚怎麼游泳的話,那不是很可笑很多餘嗎? 其實就跟我們所說的「班門弄斧」的意思是一樣的啦!
- I’m making a fool of myself trying to teach a fish how to swim before an expert like you.
- have other fish to fry
又是一個跟魚有關的說法,還有另一條魚要煎? 是指廚師嗎? 當一個人說自己have other fish to fry是甚麼意思呢? 這個俚語其實是說「有其他(更重要)的事情要做」,或者是「有其他(更有趣)的事情要做」的意思啦!
- I’m not going shopping with you this afternoon, I have other fish to fry.
- Wang doesn’t have time to play with his kids, he has other fish to fry.
- dog’s breakfast
哈哈! 這個俚語如果你以為說是狗的早餐的話,那就太好玩啦! 我們這裡沒有在講任何有關養寵物的分享喔!所以如果不是狗的早餐,那大家要不要猜猜看這個到底是甚麼呢? 其實大家可以想像一下小狗在吃東西的時候,一般不會像我們人在吃東西一樣,通常都會搞得很髒亂,所以如果一個人把一件事情「搞得一團亂」,就可以用dog’s breakfast來形容啦!
- They made a real dog’s breakfast of that job.
- The new manager is going to make a dog’s breakfast on this project if we aren’t careful.
- go to the dogs
go to the dogs=去狗那邊嗎? 當然不是囉! 這個俚語其實跟狗一點關係都沒有喔! 當某人用這句話來形容特別是某人的身體或者是某組織的營運狀態,又或者是某個國家的整體情況的時候,意思是說「其風光已經不如當年了」、或者是說「好景不常」了。
- As soon as the gold was all gone, these people of the town went to the dogs almost overnight.
- The firm is going to the dogs.