11. Buying cheap flip-flops. 便宜沒好貨的夾腳拖 這種尷尬的狀況就不必多作解釋啦!長時間的步行之下最好還是穿著布鞋或是較耐穿的涼鞋才不會發生這種糗事喔! 12. Fearing street food. 不敢吃小吃攤的食物 No one wants to get sick on vacation, but why travel all the way to Thailand or Mexico and not eat the local grub? The locals don’t like food poisoning any more than you do. 大家都不想要在旅行的時候吃壞肚子,不過你都大老遠的來到泰國或是墨西哥了,為何不試試看當地的小吃呢?當地人和你一樣也是會有食物中毒的疑慮呀!(特別是我們台灣人在吃了那麼多年的餿水油之後大概也百毒不侵了吧~ ) 13. Buying a drum on the first day of a three-month trek across Asia. 長途旅行的第一天就買了超重紀念品 We know, this is the antithesis of travel mistake number two, but there are some balls and chains you really don’t want to lug around. 我們了解這點的確是跟上一篇提過的第二點背道而馳,不過有些「甜蜜的負荷」是你真的不想、也沒有必要揹著到處跑的。 14. Not buying the full insurance policy. 旅遊險沒買足 Just because you’re in a country where the beer is cheap, it doesn’t mean the healthcare is. 一個國家的啤酒價格很低不代表醫療費用也一樣便宜。可別省了小錢而花了大錢。 15. Over-reliance on guidebooks. 過於依賴旅遊書 Guidebooks are great — we use them all the time — but it’s best to pull just one or two suggestions per day from a guide that thousands of like-minded travelers have read or downloaded. 旅遊書真的很方便,不過沒有必要遵照上頭寫的每一條建議,畢竟還有其他成千上萬個人也跟你買了同一本旅遊書,有時候來場意料之外的冒險也是不錯的! 「更多英文學習:QQ English」
16. Obsessive photography. 拍照狂 It’s now so easy to take photos that one click leads to another. The obsession/obligation to document every street scene, statue and starter course kills the spontaneity and visceral experience that should be the backbone of travel. Trust us, nobody back home wants to spend 20 minutes scrolling through 照相這件事情因為科技的發達而變得越來越簡單,讓人常常一張接著一張地拍個不停。人們對於將每個街景、雕像、或是一盤開胃菜記錄下來的迷戀及執著已經讓旅行的內在體驗意義消失殆盡。 相信我們,沒人回家之後還會花個二十分鐘去看那些不重要的照片的。 17. Not checking visa requirements before departure. 出發前忘記確認簽證需求 It’s a nightmare come true when you get turned away at the ticket counter because you didn’t realize the visa requirements of a country. 在海關時因為簽證問題而被拒絕入境真的是每個旅人的噩夢,出發前千萬要仔細檢查入境國家的簽證需求喔! 18. Attempting Berlin in a weekend. 走馬看花 初次造訪某個地方的時候,我們總是需要更多的時間到處走走看看、甚至還會花上很多的時間在迷路和找路。像是柏林這樣的大城市,最好還是多花一些時間細細品味才不會走馬看花。 19. Using a credit card to get cash. 用信用卡提領現金 Credit card companies charge a high transaction fee (up to 15%) for using a card to get cash. These special transactions also attract a higher associated fees than other purchases: the ATM-owning bank will charge a fee; if you’re withdrawing a foreign currency the exchange rate will be miserly. 信用卡公司收取的現金提領手續費高達15%.同時該ATM所屬的當地銀行也會收取額外費用。如果你提領的是外幣,匯率也相當的不好。 20. Not printing out reservation details. 沒有訂房定位的紙本明細 They’re already on your phone and computer, so why bother with hard copies of your hotel name and address? Because your phone, computer, tablet and other electronics might not work with the local network as soon as you land, especially after crossing oceans. 你可能覺得這些明細從手機或電腦裡面找就有了,為何還要印下來,多麻煩啊!因為你的手機、電腦、平板等等電子產品可能會有失靈的時候或是連不上當地網路,為了避免露宿街頭,還是多一份紙本明細會比較保險。 「更多英文學習:QQ English」
圖片來源: www.slap-tone.com www.telegraph.co.uk www.theguardian.com t17.techbang.com buzznigeria.com www.reddit.com otakumind.com www.adria.cz