- Eat before drinking. If you know you’re going to be somewhere that you’ll be tempted by alcohol, feed your stomach first of all. It may be tempting to skip food to save calories for the alcohol but that “trick” is a one-way ticket to fast drunkenness and one almighty hangover, not to mention unknown loss of control in between.
喝酒之前先吃點東西墊墊肚子:如果你知道你即將去一些充滿酒精誘惑的地 方,先吃點東西讓胃不要空著。有時候你想說不要吃東西只喝酒,這樣可以少攝取一些卡洛里,不過這種方式卻是讓自己很快喝醉而且還會有宿醉的。
- Drink a glass of water in between each alcoholic drink. This will slightly reduce the effect of the alcohol.
- Massively dilute the alcohol with non-alcoholic choices, such as in a Shandy where it’s half beer, half fizzy lemonade.
將酒精和大量無酒精飲料混在一起,例如Shandy, 它是一半啤酒和一半檸檬汽水混合而成的。這樣的喝法也會讓你相對之下攝取較少的酒精。 4. Use yeast, one teaspoon per bottle of beer or the alcoholic equivalent: the ADH in yeast breaks down alcohol. 攝取酵母菌。一瓶啤酒或是相當分量的酒精配上一茶匙的酵母粉。酵母中所含的乙醇脫氫酶(ADH: alcohol dehydrogenase) 可以降低酒精的影響力。(不過酒精對於人體的影響並不會因此消失,只是減緩你感到不適的症狀) 5. Choose a good location to drink. You’re likely to drink a whole lot less when you’re in a place with distractions such as food, games like bowling, darts or billiards. You’re also more likely to forgo drinks if the lighting is up, the place isn’t crowded and you’re feeling comfortable. 慎選喝酒的場所。在一個有很多食物或是遊戲,例如保齡球、飛鏢或撞球的地方,你的注意力會被分散而不那麼專注於喝酒這件事情上。此外,在一個燈光較亮且寬敞舒適的地方也比較可能讓你少喝一些。 無論以上這些方法是否真的有用,它的本意就只是降低你在喝酒後所產生的不舒服感覺,並不會讓酒精從你的身體迅速消失;也就是說過量的飲酒就算用任何的技巧或偏方都無法彌補酒精對身體所造成的傷害。希望大家能夠在保持身體健康的前提下依然玩得盡興喔!
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