
【英文學習】訂房、退房、英文不會說? 實用飯店英文會話大全!





1. Hi, Sir. We’d like to check in , please. 您好,我們想要辦理入住,謝謝。

2. I have a reservation under the name Mike Lin. 我有用林麥克的名字訂房

3. Is it possible for us to change a room with double beds? 我們有可能換成雙人床的房間嗎?

4. When do you start serving tomorrow morning? 請問明天早上是幾點開始供餐?

5. Could you keep our luggage until we can check in? 能幫我們保管行李到我們能入住的時候嗎?

6. We’ll arrive late, but please keep our reservation. 我們會晚一點到達,請保留所預訂的房間。

7. Do you accept credit cards(traveler’s checks)? 這裡接受信用卡(旅行支票)嗎?

8. Where is the dining room? 餐廳在哪裡呢?

9. Can I have a card with the hotel’s address? 是否可給我一張有旅館地址的名片?

10. Where is the nearest train station? 最近的火車站在哪裡?


1. Hi, we’d like a room for one night, please. 嗨,我們想預定一間房間住1晚,謝謝。

2. Is there any vacancy? 還有空房嗎?

3. I’d like a quiet room. 我想要一間安靜一點的房間。

4. I’ll take this room. 我要這間房間。

5. What are your room rates? 你們的房價多少?

6. Does it include breakfast? 費用包含早餐嗎?

7. I’d like a non-smoking room. 我想要一間禁菸房

8. What time can I check in ? 我何時能入住呢?

9. What is check out time? 何時要退房呢?

10. Is there any chance of getting a discount? 能給點折扣嗎?


1. Would it be possible to stay an extra night? 有可能多住一晚嗎?

2. Can I extend my reservation? 我能延長住宿嗎?

3. I’d like to move my check out date to the next Monday. 我想改到下禮拜一再退房。


1. Here are our keys. 這是我們房間的鑰匙。

2. I need someone to help to carry my luggage. 我需要人幫忙拿行李

3. Do you accept credit cards(traveler’s checks)? 接受旅行信用卡(旅行支票)嗎?

4. Would it be possible if we leave our luggage here while we do a bit of shopping? 我們去買點東西的時候可以把行李放在這裡嗎?

5. Could you help us send out these postcards? 你可以幫我們寄這些明信片嗎?

6. Can you call a taxi for us? 能幫忙叫計程車嗎?

7. When and where can we take the shuttle bus back to the airport? 我們何時何地可以搭接駁車回機場呢?

8. What is this charge for? 這個費用是什麼?

9. How do I get to the nearest bus station to the airport? 到機場最近的火車站要怎麼走?




1. Could I see your passport, please? 我可以看一下您的護照嗎?

2. What name is the reservation under? 請問訂房是登記誰的名字呢?

3. Here are your room keys 這是你們房間的鑰匙。

4. You can have breakfast at 6 tomorrow morning. 明天早上六點早餐開始供應。

5. Here is your breakfast voucher. 這是你們的早餐券。     (vocher : 憑證、憑單)


1. Would you fill in this registration form, please? 麻煩請填寫這張住宿登記表

2. Let me check if there is a double room available. 讓我查一下是否有空的雙人房房間。 


1. Can I have your room number and names, please? 請問你們的房號和名字?

2. Here is your bill. Please check it to see if the amount is correct 這是你們的帳單。請檢查是否有問題?

3. Here is your receipt. Thank you, have a nice day. 這是您的收據。非常謝謝您,祝您有個愉快的一天。

4. You can take the shuttle bus that leaves at 1:30 this afternoon. 你們可以搭一點半發車的接駁車 \

5. You can leave your luggage here but please make sure you don’t leave any valuables behind. 你當然可以把行李留在這裡,不過請確認不要留下任何貴重物品就好。

其實用英文來辦理飯店入住或退房也沒有那麼困難吧! 看過小編為大家整理出來這麼豐富的用語之後,我們來試看看以下情況,大家會怎麼說呢? You就是你,而Receptionist就是接待人員囉!

情況一: 開心規劃了一趟出國旅行,也提早預訂了飯店…

You: _____________________________.

Receptionist: Sure. What name is the reservation under?

You: I put it under my name, Shelly Chen.

Receptionist: Yes, I see you’ve booked a single room for one night. Is that correct?

You: __________________.

Receptionist: Let me check if there is a double room available.


情況二: 臨時被公司派遣出差,到了當地才臨時找飯店入住…

You: _______________________________________

Receptionist: Let me check if there is a single room available.


情況三: 發現這個地方太好玩了,想要多留在此地幾天,所以飯店房間就要延長住宿了…

You: ________________________________

Receptionist: Ok, it looks like there is a double room available for two nights. You will have to pay an extra $100 for one extra night, is that ok?

You: Sure, no problem.


情況四: 旅行到了尾聲,準備整理行李回國去了…

You: Here are our keys. Receptionist: I hope you enjoyed your stay here. You: Thank you. We did enjoy our stay. Receptionist:___________________________

You: It looks perfect, where should I sign it?

Receptionist: Right here, sir.

Receptionist: You should take the shuttle bus that leaves in ten minutes. You can wait in our lobby. We will inform you when it gets here.

You: But we would like to do a bit of shopping for half an hour, _______________.

Receptionist: You can leave your luggage here but please make sure you don’t leave any valuables behind.



You: Hi, Sir. We’d like to check in , please.

Receptionist: Sure. What name is the reservation under?

You: I put it under my name, Shelly Chen.

Receptionist: Yes, I see you’ve booked a single room for one night. Is that correct?

You: Is it possible for us to change a double room?

Receptionist: Let me check if there is a double room available.



You: Hi, we’d like a room for one night, please. / Is there any vacancy?

Receptionist: Let me check if there is a single room available.



You: Would it be possible to stay an extra night?/Can I extend my reservation? I’d like to move my check out date to the next Monday.

Receptionist: Ok, it looks like there is a double room available for two nights. You will have to pay an extra $100 for one extra night, is that ok?

You: Sure, no problem.



You: Here are our keys.

Receptionist: I hope you enjoyed your stay here.

You: Thank you. We did enjoy our stay.

Receptionist: Here is your bill. Please check it to see if the amount is correct

You: It looks perfect, where should I sign it?

Receptionist: Right here, sir.

You: When and where can we take the shuttle bus back to the airport?

Receptionist: You should take the shuttle bus that leaves in ten minutes. You can wait in our lobby. We will inform you when it gets here.

You: But we would like to do a bit of shopping for half an hour, would it be possible if we leave our luggage here while we do a bit of shopping? Receptionist: You can leave your luggage here but please make sure you don’t leave any valuables behind.



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